Delivery Policy
FREE UK Shipping
Free delivery applies on all items, all orders, and all customers all over the UK.
The price you see is the price you pay. No extra charge for delivery, unless expedite service is required by customer.
Same Day Dispatch and FREE UK Delivery
Orders received before 2pm would be dispatched on the same working day, while orders received after 2pm would be dispatched on the following working day.
With our FREE UK Shipping service, your order would be dispatched on Royal Mail 2nd Class, which normally takes 2 to 3 days for the delivery. We might use DPD or Hermes for orders of high value, at no extra charge to our customer.
With our Expedite Shipping service at a small charge of 99p per item, your order would be dispatched on Royal Mail 1st Class, which normally takes 1 to 2 days for the delivery.
Scottish Highland, Northern Ireland and Off Shores
While Royal Mail has a flat rate for all areas in UK, other courier companies do have surcharges for deliveries to Scottish Highland, Northern Ireland and Off Shore areas. Whenever possible, we will dispatch your order with the most appropriate and reliable courier service based on the physical size / weight of your parcel(s) and your delivery address, and try to absorb any extra cost at our end if your delivery address is in these surcharge areas. However, we may have to contact you if the delivery surcharge in your area is far too expensive for us to absorb.
Delivery To Oversea Countries
We are able to deliver to all over the world outside the UK, at a charge of £9.99 per shipment plus £9.99 per extra item. We will be using the Royal Mail International Standard service, which normally takes up to 10 working days for the delivery.
Customer Delivery Address
Upon registration on the website and when ordering goods, the buyer is obliged to provide correct and true information. We shall not be held responsible if an incorrect delivery address is provided and the order is not delivered.